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2023 Booklists 


Choosing the right school for your child is an important decision. At Merriwa Education Support Centre, we value the opportunity to work with you to consider your primary school options and determine if our school is the right fit for your child’s education journey.

You can enrol your child at Merriwa Education Support Centre providing that they meet the eligibility criteria outlined in the Enrolment for Students with Disability Policy (refer to links below):



We encourage you to make an appointment with our Asspociate Principal to discuss your child’s enrolment and eligibility. A school information session and school tour can also be arranged for you and your child to explore our school setting and ask any questions.

Please contact the front office to discuss your child’s enrolment with the school or to schedule a meeting/tour.

We understand that due to varying circumstances, including family relocations,  enrolment enquiries may occur throughout the year. We welcome these enquiries as there can often be a small number of vacancies.


If you are looking for an educational facility that provides support for students with disabilities that may be closer to you, please refer to the brochure attached.

Educational options for students with Special Education Needs (ESNN Prospectus)

When submitting an Application for Enrolment form, please note that this does not guarantee you will receive a placement for your child at MESC.  We will contact you upon receipt of your application to discuss your application.  Applications can be emailed to


Please also provide any diagnosis reports you may have at the time of your request.


Student Health Needs

Student Health Care Information Brochure

Your child's health needs are extremely important to us therefore on enrolment you are asked to provide your child's health information which involves providing Australian Immunisation Register, completing a

 Student Health Care Summary form and then if required completing Management and Emergency Response Plans.  By working together and maintaining communication, if there are changes or concerns, we can ensure your child's needs are best addressed.


©2024 by Merriwa Education Support Centre

©All photos on this site are provided by permission of photographers. Please seek permission before reproducing.

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