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Protective Behaviours

Comprehensive lessons are run across all classes utilising the Department of Education endorsed, Protective Behaviours WA resources. Lessons are delivered by classroom teachers using a developmental, whole school learning program kit which was formulated in collaboration with staff, therapists, parents and carers.

Direktor je dobrodošao


Odabir prave škole za vaše dijete je važna odluka. U Centru za podršku obrazovanju South Ballajura cijenimo priliku da radimo s vama kako bismo razmotrili mogućnosti vaše osnovne škole i utvrdili da li je naša škola odgovarajuća za obrazovno putovanje vašeg djeteta.

Možete upisati svoje dijete u South Ballajura Education Support Center pod uslovom da ispunjava kriterije podobnosti navedene u Politici upisa za studente sa invaliditetom (pogledajte linkove ispod):




Pozivamo vas da zakažete termin kod našeg zamenikaty direktoru da razgovaraju o upisu i kvalifikovanosti vašeg djeteta. Školska informativna sesija i školski vodičr se također može dogovoriti da vi i vaše dijete istražite naše školsko okruženje i postavite bilo kakva pitanja.

Molimo kontaktirajte recepciju da razgovarate o upisu vašeg djeteta u školu ili da zakažete sastanak/obilazak.

Razumijemo da vas zbog različitih okolnosti, uključujući selidbe porodice, može navesti da postavljate upite za upis tokom cijele godine. Pozdravljamo ove upite jer često može biti mali broj slobodnih radnih mjesta.


Ako tražite obrazovnu ustanovu koja pruža podršku studentima sa invaliditetom koja vam je možda bliža, pogledajte brošuru u prilogu.

Obrazovne opcije za studente sa posebnim obrazovnim potrebama (ESNN prospekt)

Prilikom podnošenja anPrijava za upis form, imajte na umu da ovo ne garantuje da ćete dobiti smještaj za svoje dijete na SBESC.  Mi ćemo vas kontaktirati po prijemu vaše prijave kako bismo razgovarali o vašoj prijavi._cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b- 136bad5cf58d_ Prijave se mogu slati e-poš  


U vrijeme vašeg zahtjeva također dostavite sve izvještaje o dijagnozi koje možda imate.


Student Health Needs

Informativna brošura o zdravstvenoj zaštiti studenata

Zdravstvene potrebe vašeg djeteta su nam izuzetno važne, stoga se prilikom upisa od vas traži da dostavite zdravstvene podatke vašeg djeteta što uključuje dostavljanje Australijskog registra imunizacije, popunjavanje

 Sažetak zdravstvene zaštite studenata form a zatim, ako je potrebno, popunjavanje Planova upravljanja i reagovanja u hitnim slučajevima.  Radeći zajedno i održavajući komunikaciju, ako postoje promjene ili nedoumice, možemo osigurati da se potrebe vašeg djeteta najbolje odgovore.


Školski autobus

Prijave za pomoć u transportu mogu se popuniti putem službe školskih autobusa.


Telefon: 9326 2578







The whole school focus in numeracy is to establish skills which enable students to recognise numbers and number patterns, and to have a basic understanding of time and money concepts.

Students who have demonstrated a strong understanding in this area are offered the opportunity to attend Origo Maths lessons to extend their skills.



All students are given opportunities to communicate through various tools and strategies. Students with complex communication needs have access to a variety of communication methods such as: gestures, signing, symbols, pictures, communication aids and computers to improve the ability to communicate their needs and wants.



In Literacy, learning activities focus on phonemic awareness and develop student knowledge of letter sounds. The consistent approach allows students to establish emergent literacy skills using a common approach from class to class.

The Talk4Writing strategy is modified to ensure students can build their understanding of writing conventions. Our focus on building comprehension skills is vital across all learning areas.


Sensory Learning

Learning spaces are equipped to provide alternative areas for students to engage in purposeful learning. The program aims to manage and create desired behaviours in a supportive, safe environment which promotes progress and independence. Students are provided with the resources and strategies to help regulate their sensory systems.


We support an integrated curriculum which provides opportunities for students to explore Aboriginal and Cultural Education, Science, Health, Humanities and Social Sciences, Technologies and The Arts through practical hands-on activities. The integrated approach allows teachers to use a thematic focus when planning learning content and incorporate the topic across all learning areas throughout the term.

Integrated Studies

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Opportunities to engage in programs to stimulate creativity and develop self-regulation skills are provided on-site and in the community. Students may engage in yoga, dance, art/craft, kids aerobics, gym, bike riding, team games and Ten-Pin bowling activities throughout the year.


Fundamental Movement

Students engage in daily classroom lessons, and in explicit teaching lessons each week, to develop their gross motor and fine motor skills.

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School Readiness

The program provides opportunities for parents and carers to engage in meaningful interactions with their child to stimulate learning and purposeful play in a caring, supportive and relaxed environment. The needs of 2- and 3-year-olds with disabilities, developmental delays, and diverse learning needs are considered in a play-based program facilitated by a specialist teacher.



Learning through iPads and associated apps, computers, robotics, interactive whiteboards, cameras, communication tools and appropriate academic online programs is widely embraced across the school.

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Community Access

Regular opportunities are utilised to provide authentic learning experiences within the local community. Students are taught to access public transport and engage with real life interactions in their community.



Merriwa ESC strives to establish a consistent integrated learning approach through the teaching and learning of Science, Technologies, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) skills for all students Kindy to Year 6.

The STEM program aims to provide students with activities that are practical and hands on, to teach them about their environment and help them navigate their world.

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